female engineer inspects water in a stream

Jobs and Scholarships in Water

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Job Announcements

ARI-NextGen Student Fellowship Opportunities

We have an exciting fellowship opportunity that will support 200 master’s students at $25,000, 180 undergraduate students at $11,000, and 41 community college transfer students at $7,500.

ARI was awarded a five-year, $9.5 million NIFA NEXTGEN grant, with 89% of the grant used to directly support students to engage in research and professional projects and professional development workshops.  

All students will work on a research or professional project, attend professional development workshops, and have the opportunity to receive travel support to attend a professional meeting.

We are now recruiting for the Summer and Fall 2024 cohort.

To qualify:

  1. The student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  2. Must be enrolled as a full-time student.
  3. Must plan to pursue a food, agriculture, natural resource, or human science (FANH) career, or plan to attend graduate school in a FANH-related discipline.
  4. Must have a faculty mentor.
  5. Must be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident.

In addition, as part of the ARI-NextGen program, we are recruiting four students for internships with the Environmental Defense Fund and the city of Los Angeles to work on climate resilient water systems program (EDF) and whole-city RO water reclamation (city of LA).  Students working with EDF or LA City will receive the ARI-NextGen Fellowship and support for travel, room and board if needed.  

Learn more about fellowship opportunities.


NWRI Fellowship

The National Water Research Institute (NWRI) fellowship program awards funds to graduate students who are conducting water research in the United States. To be eligible, students must be accepted and enrolled in an US-based graduate program. Fellowships are underwritten by NWRI, the American Membrane Technology Association, and the Southern California Salinity Coalition.

Learn more about the fellowship.

County of San Diego

Entry-level Staff Positions
The County of San Diego is committed to providing and retaining a skilled, adaptable, and diverse workforce for County departments so they may deliver superior services to the residents and visitors of the County.  Entry-level positions in civil engineering, planning, and more are available. 

Learn more about jobs with the County.

Student Worker Positions
The County of San Diego offers a student worker program to provide valuable work experience directly related to a student’s academic field of study. Participants will be given high-level work experience that would prepare them for permanent County positions. 

Learn more about student worker positions.



ACWA Scholarships

The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) offers scholarship programs for graduate and undergraduate students.  ACWA began its scholarship programs in 1961 to motivate committed students to join the effort to ensure California’s water quality through sound management policies. 

Learn more and apply at: acwa.com/about/scholarships

AWWA Scholarship Program

Announcing the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Scholarship Program.  The AWWA is the world’s largest organization of water supply professionals. Advance your graduate/undergraduate studies and research by applying for one of their 28 academic scholarships that are supported by corporate sponsors and AWWA.

Learn more and apply at: awwa.org/scholarships

Brown and Caldwell's Scholarships

Brown and Caldwell a privately-held, 100 percent environmental firm. They are the largest engineering and construction firm solely focused on the U.S. water and environmental sectors. Their scholarships can help you reach the next step in your professional journey. 

Learn more and apply at: brownandcaldwell.com/careers/scholarships