Binational Workshop in Tijuana
The Big Idea Water Across Borders hosted a Binational Workshop in Tijuana on April 19, 2023.
The goals were to expand and strengthen binational collaborations to solve water problems. 30+ faculty members, all experts in their fields, attended from:
- SDSU Imperial Valley
- UABC Ensenada, UABC Mexicali, and UABC Tijuana
- PFEA (Proyecto Fronterizo de Educación Ambiental), Cetys Universidad, and Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana
Four working groups were formed on (1) Water and Climate; (2) Water Quality, Sanitation, and Health; (3) Water in Agriculture; and (4) Water Governance. The participants developed specific proposals for binational projects to be pursued in summer 2023, funded in part by the Big Ideas Initiative through the Division of Research and Innovation.
The meeting included working lunches and a surprise earthquake drill (see photo below). The workshop participants expressed interest in continuing the collaboration with additional meetings in Fall 2023.
Read the SDSU NewsCenter story about the event.
Water Across Borders Kickoff Meeting
SDSU and Mexican researchers met online for a Water Across Borders Kickoff Meeting on February 10, 2023. Shared visions and common research interests related to water in the US-Mexico border region were discussed in breakout groups. These themes were the basis of the April in-person meeting.